Immersive Pebcak Radio Mod

The Mod

This mod is done under the idea of lore spreading and creative writing, it is a weekend project with the only purpose of fun.


Version 3

Special thanks to Gomboc Records :D

This version started to add differences by lifepaths

Streetkid Texts

Biohacking Mess in San Diego:

Biohacking Mess in San Diego: a clinic in Normal Hights has just been shut down for cloning Joytoys for personal use, those who came to the facility signed a confidentiality agreement between patient and ripperdoc to clone themselves to use that body as joytoy and live off the income their body generated, something like enslaving themselves, to prevent the cloned models from revealing themselves to their dis who owner, they installed a cyberware known as "Ventromedial Inhibitor" that injected synthetic codeine, in short, they created a zombie version of themselves to manage them at will. The Joytoys darknet is full of requests and offers from young people with little or no visible cyberware on their bodies to replicate the physical experience of the pre-2020s. That's why, The cloned models, had an average lifespan of one year, due to the result of the biological expense of using the Ventromedial Inhibitor, on the physical appearance of the cloned models.

Death and terror at Pistis Sophia Hotel

Death and terror at Pistis Sophia Hotel in West Wind Estate A fight took place last night between members of the scavengers gang, according to our informants, there was an argument between members of the same group after an exchange of cyberware for hostages, the fight was generated due to a dubious management of the payment to the providers of the transport service. It is believed that one of the gang members did the laundering, lying about the costs of transporting the victims, in order to keep part of the payment. The Bratva members in charge of the transport were involved in the hustle and bustle, leaving 20 dead as a result.

Acid Rain

It is predicted that by 2080 the probability of acid rain will increase from 1 day a week to 3 between the months of March and May. The mega-corporation Militech is reactivating the manufacture of its Tactical Umbrella line, which besides protecting against Acid and Blood Rain just like a regular umbrella, is also two weapons in one: an Excellent Quality Exotic Heavy Melee Weapon and a Poor Quality Exotic Heavy Pistol that can load both Basic and Non-Basic ammunition. For regular citizens, we remind you that Any umbrella sold in Night City is designed to minimize the effects of the intense weather. Being under an umbrella negates the armor ablating effects of Acid Rain. It also keeps you mostly dry and comes in a variety of colors and styles.

Hermes V

We have all known about the European Space Council's social inclusion program to bring into space different residents of middle class and poor areas known as the Hermes V project. A fact that is not taken with much enthusiasm in the neighborhood where they are branded as Aerorats to those who decide to sign up for the competitions of the aerospace division. Many have been chased and harassed by different gangs. These contestants, left to fend for themselves in the most dangerous neighborhoods of the cities, have decided to barricade themselves in order to protect each other. Although only 30 will be chosen for the different missions in space, they say that they prefer to stay together in the face of aggressions. The Hermes V program is an initiative to integrate young people from poor neighborhoods into the corporate world, to work in different positions in orbit for a consecutive year in the development of bioware and implementation of biosculpting.

Version 1

The file is probably lost due to Nexus Mod has the mod down for Copyright infringement (music related)


Rache Bartmoss (cp2077 p75)

Storytime moment: RACHE BARTMOSS WAS THE MOST BRILLIANT and talented netrunner of our age. He was also the most paranoid. Rumors claim that he was an author of the infamous Demon and Hound series of programs, designed to locate and kill enemy netrunners. There are so many varying accounts of who he was and how and when he died that no one can be sure of the real story. Some say that his body died in 2021 when he was nailed by some black ICE, or simply from dehydration and malnutrition during one of his prolonged Net ops. In this version of the story, his mind survived thanks to the top-tier life support he had in his apartment. No one knew where he lived, so no one could take care of him. His essence slowly faded, though he still remains one of the best hackers in the Net.

Bartmoss #2 (cp2077 p75)

Did I mention that Bartmoss was paranoid? No one knows if that was because he was always nuts or if he lost his mind during his years spent in the cryogenic freezer, but he was prepared for his death. He knew that when the day finally came, he wanted to be sure that his enemies and his beloved Net would all go down with him...

6th Street - Arroyo

Another problem related to the 6th Street gang in the Arroyo area occurred when new tourist merchants settled in their area, apparently they did not pay the tribute that every merchant in the Santo Domingo Area is obliged to pay in exchange for the "protection" that this faction gives them, the older members say that their disrespect is a dishonor to their influence, history and struggle.

Robery Stuff

Hello Night city today notices says that the NCPD had an unfortunate encounter yesterday afternoon with 6th Street's gang in the Arroyo area, apparently one of their members Patricia Gerville had arranged a deal with an NCPD group to turn a blind eye to the expropriation of a garage with Militech equipment, it seems that some of the deal did not go as expected when the violent group made their raid in the area, the members of the police who should have been doing their duty in that place would have been replaced for reasons we still don't know. The encounter resulted in the death of 10 agents, and several injuries.

Bomb Cars

Hey Night City, there have been some reported "accidents" of cars exploding, some say Petrochem may not be doing a very good job using CHOOH2 reused causing some older model cars to not tolerate this recycled fuel responding by overheating their integrated circuits. Others claim that these are attacks on Corpo personalities, who die on the spot with the explosions.... Ncpd is not up to the task of investigations, and Max-Tac has not reported any cyber-Psycho in the area... so the factual investigations, if made, will be left up to each private agency... if they care about the lives of their employees of course.

Flying Cars

While it is not as common as exploding cars, some sources are reporting some failures in the suspension system of some vehicles resulting in so-called "flying cars" just when we thought that the Lowrider movement had ceased decades ago, this news comes back to our ears, could it be maybe the Valentinos who are playing on the sly with our vehicles?


Night City residents have recently reported seeing people falling from buildings, again the community is divided. Are they suicides or are they covert murders? Again the Night City police are not reporting these cases and this is happening in broad daylight Are they doing something to prevent these strange cases or are they once again looking the other way? Is anyone investigating them? Maybe someday we will have answers...